Sunday, October 17, 2010

new baby, sal 16-105^^

闲来无事,带上了相机和新的lens, 在雨后的Ktdi 随便拍拍雨后的情景和花花草草:P 一边享受着雨后清爽的微风,一边测试着新的“宝贝” ^ ^



Saturday, October 2, 2010

KMPh gathering^^

last saturday,25/9 was a memorable day where i met up with my friends from matriculation. this was de second gathering we had so far. since this is the last year in uni (expect me who took a 5 year course T.T ) i really appreciate the chance to meet up with all of you guys^ ^

the gathering was located at mid valley. i was late for it since in the morning i was having tennis tournament for sukem. however, i managed to join de group at around 230 pm^ ^ at that moment, they were having chit-chat session at noodle station. i felt so happy to meet up with those faces that i so familiar with^ ^ met up with the previous MCA members:P , a place where i spent most of my leisure time in matric^ ^ a place whr all the funny stuffs and crazy ideas came from^ ^ a place that help me to forget that i was in matriculation whr majority are malays. meeting up with you guys are such a sweet recall of all the unforgettable memories back in KMPh.

although we just spent a year in matriculation, but the friendships that i have back in thr are so strong and memorable. perhaps this is due to the difficult situations in matric that strengthen the bonds among us ^ ^ remember the days we spent in facing the finals, whole night did not sleep just for PAP and the happiest moment when PAP was successfully carried out ^ ^ not to forget miss au and all the chinese lecturers that gave us supports and take good care of us^ ^ all of these memories make me feel that i'm so lucky to get into KMPh and met up with you guys. this will be a memory tat will last forever in my mind.

thanks to kok li for organizing all the gathering. kok li, maybe is time for you to starts thinking of organizing the next gathering, haha ^ ^ maybe we should have this kinda gathering every year even after we graduate from the uni. if there is any chance in the future for the gathering, just gv me a call and i will be thr^^

sem break

很快的,一个星期的假期就这样过去了。这一次,我没有像过去的假期到别地去旅行,而是选择了回到家里好好的休息。 一方面是因为没有为这一次的假期计划任何的旅行,另一方面是因为要为我的下一个“宝贝” 好好的存一笔钱^^ 所以,回家是唯一的选择:P

离开了繁忙和喘不过气的kl, 回到了lanchang这一个小镇, 一个没有shopping mall, 戏院,和没有网络(基于家里只有爸爸和妈妈,所以把line给cut了)的世界, 发现其实心里是快乐的。 不知道为什么,心里有一种如释重负的感觉。 只觉得可以卸下只有在大学和城市里的心防和不满,做回原本的自己,那一个单纯的自己。原来在这一刻, 我是开心的^^

想起在KL的生活,每一天不是忙着assignments,wardrounds, clinics, 和revisions, 就是呆在房间里对着电脑的荧光幕。 偶尔的outings,也许能让繁忙和空虚的生活带来喘息的空间,但却不是我要的生活方式。 加上自己并不喜欢太多人的outing, 所以大多数的时间,都是一个人静静的度过。说实在的,我不是很喜欢一个人独自的逛街。我也希望能和某一个人分享我的喜悦和难过,但要找到一个能让我放心分享我内心世界的人, 除了在国中和matric的朋友们,在这里,我还没遇到哪个人。 所以,我惟有习惯一个人的生活。^^

在家的日子,生活过得很规律。 每一天都在11点前就睡着了,凌晨6点就已经爬起床了^^ 醒来之后,就陪妈妈一起吃早餐。,然后就看看报纸。 中午也许会睡午觉, 接着会翻翻带回家里的netter。这样就过了一天。看起来很无聊吧!但我发现自己已经很久没有好好得让自己的生活步调慢下来了。,一自都处于精神紧张的状态。 这一段日子里,不管是身体,还是心理,都得到了充实的休息和调理^^ 这一刻,我只想说:回家的感觉真好^^ 让我的心里有一分很踏实的感觉^^

好了,是时候回到繁忙的学习日子里了。 充分的休息会让我重新在学习的路上找回我的方向^^谢谢爸爸和妈妈给于我的鼓励和照顾。因为有你们,不管前面的路有多难走,我都会继续走下去。 期待着下一次回家的日子^^